Five mobile innovation insights
Businesses need to start thinking about how the fastest-growing communication platform in history fits in with their business strategy.
Maddock & Viton have located five behavioural reasons to account for the rapid growth of mobile that brands can exploit to better serve their business:
1. We want instant gratification – mobile technology means we expect to make connections any time, anywhere;
2. We want to fill our down time – mobile means we never have to be bored. Instead we dip into the mobile web to find snippets of information, things to do and people to connect with. “We want progress, info, answers, and closure;”
3. We use mobile to interact with multiple places – international business calls, status updates on social networks, finding local information like what to eat and where to park;
4. We want to personalise everything to suit us – there are 200,000 iPhone apps because we all demand niche products;
5. We go nowhere without our mobile – it’s a lifeline, where we turn when a problem arises and we aren’t in the office or at home.
Brands need to recognise these traits and adapt. Providing instant, easily-accessible information is key – being able to solve client problems in moments of crisis can generate unprecedented customer loyalty. People are willing to trade money to save time and solve problems.