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Despite being one of the largest insurance brokers in the world, Aon has, until now, had very little consumer presence in the Australian market. As part of a concerted effort in 2013 to create the perception of Aon as a very real option for small, medium and large business insurance, Aon required the development of the first of a number of consumer websites. The first of these sites was for their Small Business insurance offering.
The requirement was a consumer-facing, CMS-managed, responsive website that will showcase Aon’s insurance offering as well as facilitating online purchase of business insurance policies.
Deepend partnered with Nomad to provide mobile and tablet recommendations, planning and delivery for the project working collaboratively with the design and production team. Utilising internally developed, primarily print-oriented brand guidelines, we developed a genuinely creative and compelling online presence that communicates the Aon Small Business product offering in a clean, concise and informative format. This information is presented in a responsive site that promotes content consumption on multiple screen sizes and orientations.
The site also contains a unique, real time feedback component, displaying the results of live survey data, compiled by a third party consultancy. This provides a real-time picture of clients satisfaction with Aons “Service”, “Cover” and “Price”.
Since the site’s launch in April, 46% of the audience who are browsing products available for online purchase, click through to the cart. This represents an 11% improvement to the rate this audience had when on the old site. Additionally, 13% of the online audience who are browsing products go on to complete a transaction. This represents an impressive 143% improvement to the rate this audience had when on the old site. There has also been a 61% increase in traffic volume to the site using relevant search keywords.
143% improvement on end-to-end conversion
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