Clikbrix fuses QR Code Technology For Real Estate and the Mobile Web to help Realtors® and Brokerages instantly link prospective buyers from static for sale signs to stunning property details–that fit in the palm of their hand! Clikbrix
Have you seen the FastMall app? It’s raison d’etre is to map the insides of shopping malls in the same way that geolocation apps and Google Maps allow you to find your way around outside. With FastMall and other indoor…
The deconstruction of mobile phones is one of the biggest opportunities for future development in the industry. It means that the physical functions of the mobile phone like screen, camera and processor will be liberated allowing more intuitive and simplified human interaction.
A Texas startup has just raised US$2.05 million for its TabbedOut app – a mobile application that allows you to open a tab at the restaurant or bar you are eating at, sharing your tab code with the staff as…
When the Nokia Push project began back in September 2009, we helped re-imagine skating, kite aerial photography, city guides and more. But even we could not have imagined this. In 2011, Nokia Push will be collaborating with the world’s biggest…
Nomad attended the Australian Mobile Phone Lifestyle Index report presentation today to get up to speed with the current behaviours and attitudes of Australian mobile users today. If you missed out, here are some of the more interesting findings. And…